Programming fundamentals

Reflection of my first week learning to be a developer


2 min read

Programming fundamentals

(I drafted this in December 2021, and only had the guts to publish in July 2022)

It's possible that if you knew how challenging something could be, you probably would not try anything new. It has been almost a month since I decided to commit to becoming a frontend developer- or at least equip myself with the necessary skills. Since making this decision, I applied to a bootcamp and signed up for several developer essential blogs, podcasts and apps.

If there is such a thing as developer shock, then I am in it. I honestly underestimated how much of a "culture shock" programming would be. For the first month of the bootcamp we will be doing a self-learning (pre)course. That is about 20 hours of videos and completing a shopping to-do list project with React. As I type this, the only thing I now about React is the standard definition on Google- "React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components.." Naturally this makes me very nervous and anxious on whether I can manage to do it because it truly is a whole new world for me.

Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying the learning process. I eagerly waking up at 5am to make sure I can fit in the recommended learnings into the day. In three days I have covered the fundamentals of programming learning about the evolution of programming languages, their differences, best practises, DOM, debugging and more! Being able to finally have an intimate understanding of how code makes things happen from the CPU to a webpage is by far one of my highlights.

Tomorrow I start the module on object- orientated design. I hope this brings me closer to having confidence to take on the project!